Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catch up......

I had been posting in awhile for several reasons but mainly b/c i don't have time.

The past 3 weeks looks like this.
gained +2.8
lost -2.4
gained +.2
this week will be a loss!

I'm back to working out, treadmill 1.5 miles and tonight i biked 5 miles! My ass hurts but it's all worth it because not just 1 but 2 pairs of jeans that I fit into once again! After 2.5 years! Awesome! It's like new clothes!

By the way I've reached my 20% and I'm treating myself to having my hair relaxed! I'm so exicted!

Next goal..I want a mini ipod!

1 comment:

  1. I know it's been a long while and I haven't posted anything on my blog "The Music of Our Lives", but I just recently started a new blog and would love for you to follow it. My husband and I are now divorced and I am on a path of self discovery. I have made several changes in my life and I would love for you to be a part of them, as a well as an encouragement. I need all the support I can get right now! Thanks! Tiffany
